Status of the Parcel Forward Orders

International delivery fee pending:

Parcel submitted. Waiting for payment.


International shipping fee paid. Waiting for shipment from warehouse.

Shipped (International):

The item has been sent out.


The item has been delivered to you.


The storage period for the item expires or you have chosen to abandon the item. The system is notified and will process the item as overdue accordingly (in this case, Yeybuy will have the ownership of it).

Status of the Submitted Parcel Orders


Parcel submitted. You need to finish payment within 10 days.


The shipping fee is paid.


Order processing for warehouse stock out.

Preparing to stock out:

Your items are ready for packing.


Warehouse is packing your parcel.


Your parcel has been weighed and is waiting for dispatch.


Parcel is on the way to the logistics provider.


Parcel is on the way to the logistics provider.

Shipped (International):

Parcel departs from warehouse of the logistics provider for an international shipment.

Order Return:

Your parcel is cancelled due to reasons including: Receiver’s information such as name, address, is wrong or not completed; the parcel contains items that are prohibited by the shipping method you have chosen, etc.

Domestic Return:

Your parcel is returned to our warehouse because it did not pass the security check of the Chinese customs.

Overseas return:

Your parcel is returned from abroad because of failure to pass customs inspection or other delivery problems.

Confirmed Receipt:

You have received the parcel.
